Welcome to the third and final article in the What to Pack for Hajj series!
Today we will discuss healthcare and religious items. Let's get started!

1. Band-aids for cuts or scrapes
2. Eye and/or ear drops
3. Tylenol (I use this for fever)
4. Advil (For aches)
5. Allergy medicine. I took Zyrtec. In Muzdalifa you will basically be sleeping out in the open on a bed of sand and dust :) Allergies galore. I sneezed just thinking about it!
6. Make sure you take Multivitamins on a regular basis. Start at least a few weeks before the trip to build your immune system. Nature's Way Gummy Vitamins taste good and are halal!
7. A high dose of Vitamin C. I took a 1000mg tablet every day from a couple of weeks before Hajj up until Hajj was over. Alhumdulillah apart from a slight cough which is inevitable, I didn't get sick! I also took the flu vaccine before leaving for Hajj and I am sure that contributed to not getting ill. I would definitely recommend it!
8. Neosporin, which is an ointment for wounds.
9. Ask your doctor for antibiotics in case you get ill over there. We just asked a Muslim family friend doctor to prescribe medication. He prescribed Amoxicillin and Ciprofloxacin. Only use if needed! We didn't need to use it thankfully, but it was comforting to know we had antibiotics on hand instead of needing to find a doctor and wait in line.
10. Laxatives
11. Imodium
12. Hand sanitizer
13. Medication to delay the menstruation cycle. Please make sure to start these around 2-3 months in advance to get your body used to it. Ladies can email me at simplyseher@gmail.com for more information on feminine issues.
I would also recommend getting pouches or smaller bags to organize your belongings. I used the Shacke Pak packing cubes for clothes and religious items. It comes in a set of four and also a laundry bag, which is very handy as well! I have linked the product below, it comes in various colors. It can be used during any trip of course.
1. A prayer mat is essential for each person because you could be praying anywhere at any time of day. I would recommend a small, children sized prayer mat for each person. It takes up less space in your bag and is lightweight. Also, there are many strangers who would want to share your prayer mat if you bring a regular sized one. With illnesses all around you, it would be best to not share something that you put your face on numerous times a day. Take care of your health so that you are fit enough to keep up with the rituals of Hajj!
2. A mini Quran along with mini books of supplication. I read the supplication books during tawaf and sa'ee as well. All of the duas in the book are directly from the Quran and Sunnah. Here's a closer look at the books: